KatyPerryFans's avatar


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I appreciate the request to Gallery.

I love katy ^-^
Hey there! I was wondering if you'd
like this art I drew of someones furso
in your groups gallery? c:
She has Katy accesories and color scheme ♥

chibi peanut REMAKE! by Eternal-Glow
if not, im sorry for bugging ;w;
Hi there!
I just finished a piece inspired by Katy Perry's "Birthday".
Can I submit it somewhere here?
Birthday by MamaGizzy
Hello, I have a piece of artwork inspired by Birthday, which is my favorite Katy Perry song.  :) May I submit it to the group? I'm a Little Monster but am also a fan of Katy. :)

HEY! please, all katy perry fans, help out m school to win the katy perry contest! if we get a lot of views on our youtube contest entry katy perry could come to our school! it would be absolutly awesome if you guys could help us out by simply watching and liking our vid, share us and spread the word, please! youtu.be/JYYtH9BxNdg?t=1s