:chinesenewyear: revampKatuend on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/katuend/art/chinesenewyear-revamp-196007782Katuend

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January 23, 2012
:chinesenewyear: revamp by =Kath602

`Synfull said:":chinesenewyear: is an amazing piece of animation and a stunning emoticon to celebrate Chinese new year.
Featured by Krissi001
Suggested by Synfull
Katuend's avatar

:chinesenewyear: revamp




Firstly; ACCCCKKKKK :crying:

Okay, needed to say that.
Anyway, I've wanted to revamp my old emote :chinesenewyear: :chinesenewyear: by Kath602 for a long time. Though it was only about a week ago i found out Chinese new year was...today :shakefist:
I think I spent way too long on this personally. But I don't know, when I'm in a down mood, and have a lack of internet, I find pixeling to be the way out... and this is what happened :|
I..firstly made the wave type pattern, as a basic black line, after figuring that out (took a while :lmao: ) I made the...head thing, that was... uh, evil. to say the least.
I made a scale type pattern and applied it to the wave thing, and fitted that and the head together, then i made the pole thing, and added the emote to the bottom.

Emote jump is a 8 frame animation fitted with the 16 of the body
I didn't bother to do anything else.

(Wow, an actual emote I'm pretty much happy with )

Frames: 16
Files: 134 167 (I attempted to edit it; and failed)
Programs: MSPaint, Giffy, unfreez, Infran view (make, convert, animate, view)
Headdesk count: 8
Frame rate: 7 cs (No Idea what they is in FPS :paranoid: )
Time: 7 hours in total over the course a week
Broken brain cells: 62

Featured: mirz-alt.deviantart.com/journa… deviation-of-the-day.deviantar… news.deviantart.com/article/14… news.deviantart.com/article/15… fav.me/d4d75vm fav.me/d4hj479 fav.me/d4myep4 fav.me/d4tcwn0 fav.me/d5udk0l fav.me/d708kja

For those that like to see how I work; you can have a look at my ...doom file, where/how I make everything - i53.tinypic.com/24mht6t.jpg The coloured background is due to the fact for later on transparency issues, and yes, I do decorate every single file with random emotes and lines, It helps.

A... DD? :faint:
Thankyou so much to `Synfull and `Krissi001! :love: :iconeeeeeplz:
So very happy being this is one of my own favourite works :happycry:
Image size
81x100px 27.3 KB
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silkvire1's avatar

idk how to use this