Spookemon Week! Spooky icons and features!

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Kattling's avatar

:bulletorange:Spookemon Week!:bulletorange:

Seven boxes, seven days.
Right, so what's all this about? C: Well, this is what I'm calling Spookemon Week, and it's basically like an advent calendar type thing until Halloween. Starting on the 24th I open one of these badly animated beautiful boxes every day until Halloween and reveal the spooky icon inside. :D
There's also a giant box for Halloween itself, too big to even displayed in this here journal! Or maybe I'm too busy working on the icons inside the boxes to make a giant box icon.

So, I'm hoping you're already excited. But there's more.
I want to see all of you guys' Pokemon related Halloween artwork! C: It doesn't matter if you made it three years ago or three days ago - link me to it in the comments section below and I will feature it in both this journal and on my front page until November 1st. And I might sprinkle some points over my favourites if you're lucky enough. >w< Obviously, the sooner you submit, the longer you will be featured for, so send me some artwork right now! ;D

:bulletorange:Fabulous Features!:bulletorange:

request- deidaralsittlegirl - Despair by Zen-Violetbone Kawaii Poke-Halloween! by Kitty-Vamp AGHA: Yoko's Fabulous Halloween 1.0 by RioDiGennaio:thumb408682773: Spectereon .:4th fakeon:. by Bluesky-of-Fire Pokemon: Halloween Charmander with Pikachu Pumpkin by sugarstitch Pumpkaboo with Candy Corn by StarlitMoth Halloween Contest Entry for morbidgirl98's contest by pokemonlpsfan Halloween Teaser by MyEternalNight:thumb408859406::thumb409129672: Eevee Halloween by Pandonic Happy Halloween! by Luvbug---tan:thumb409537077::thumb408989821: Gone Batty by embercoral Patchwork by Galeking 2spooky4me by SovietRobot:thumb400575784: [P] 011, 012, 013: ''Resident Weedle'' by Tiiria:thumb394541746:

Let's make this Halloween a blast. :D

© 2013 - 2025 Kattling
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curlyshoestring's avatar
Um... I don't see the 31st one.