FREE Bouncy Quilava IconKattling on DeviantArt

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Kattling's avatar

FREE Bouncy Quilava Icon



Hey guys. Have a Quilava.
You're probably going to see a little bit less of me in the following weeks so I can get ahead for college. >w< If I can do that, I won't have to work my little tush off over Christmas, which'll be nice, especially if I get a job for the holidays. I'll try to upload at least twice a week still, and if I can't manage that I'll make up for it the following week by uploading three or four things~
As you can probably imagine, I'm doing a whole bunch of animate-y art-y subjects at college, so some of the stuff I do you may find worth checking out. ;u; If you think you'd be interested, I strongly advise you like my Facebook page because I won't be uploading any of that stuff to DeviantArt! You might also want to like it if you'd like to see speedpaints, sketches, doodles and behind the-scenes stuff. >w<

(Also, I'm still answering questions! ;u; I do drawn and photo responses too! )

I'm not feeling my usual self at the moment. I think I've worn myself out a bit. I stayed off college today but didn't really rest much, which I should've done. Instead I tried to do everything I would've done at college, but at a pace that suited me better. So I might as well have gone, basically. I think I'll go have a nap in a minute, but I was meant to upload yesterday and felt guilty for not doing anything.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended~
14 colours~
25 frames~
13.7 kb~

More icons in my Pixel Icon Gallery~!
FREE Bouncy Sylveon Icon by KattlingFREE Bouncy Weavile Icon by KattlingFREE Bouncy Spheal Icon by KattlingFREE Bouncy Caterpie Icon by KattlingFREE Bouncy Phantump Icon by KattlingFREE Bouncy Pumpkaboo Icon by Kattling

Terms of use:
Bullet; Black Please do not reupload (either as a pack or as seperate icons), claim as your own, etc. Believe me, I will find you and you will get reported.
Bullet; Black Please do not trace over, edit or modify in any way - if you want custom ones, I do commissions every now and then.
Bullet; Black This icon is free to use as your DeviantART icon, but please credit me in your signature or on your DeviantART page. C:
Bullet; Black Please comment below if you used it, just so I can check that you're doing so in accordance with the terms and conditions. C:
Bullet; Black If you see anyone violating these rules, please tell me~ Art theft is a crime~
Bullet; Black Have fun~

Image size
50x50px 13.71 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Kattling
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Kenalli's avatar

Hello!  I was wondering if you are okay with your icons being used in Tumblr posts (ie as dividers, etc.)