FREE Bouncy Houndour IconKattling on DeviantArt

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Kattling's avatar

FREE Bouncy Houndour Icon



And so, the second box opens...
Spookemon continues...

So, I hope you're all enjoying Spookemon so far! C: Gengar's box opened yesterday, and today we've got one of my favourite dark types~

It's all still super secret, so I can't tell you what's coming next, but trust me, it's something to be excited about!

(Also, what the hell happened to the HTML option when uploading new Deviations? Very upset about that. It'd working)


Also, I'm still up for battles on X/Y!: 3480-3113-7537

Just post your friend code, and once we've added eachother we can do all that fancy stuff. C:

I've been sending people those weird 3D letter things too, if you want me purely for that. :D


Adobe Photoshop CS4

A bunch of colours. (XD Will give you a more accurate number when I get home.)

25 frames.



More icons in my Pixel Icon Gallery~!


Terms of use:

:bulletblack: Please do not reupload (either as a pack or as seperate icons), claim as your own, etc. Believe me, I will find you and you will get reported.

:bulletblack: Please do not trace over, edit or modify in any way - if you want custom ones, I do commissions every now and then.

:bulletblack: This icon is free to use as your DeviantART icon, but please credit me in your signature or on your DeviantART page. C:

:bulletblack: Please comment below if you used it, just so I can check that you're doing so in accordance with the terms and conditions. C:

:bulletblack: If you see anyone violating these rules, please tell me~ Art theft is a crime~

:bulletblack: Have fun~

Image size
50x50px 14.07 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Kattling
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NivvyArt's avatar
I love how agile it looks! Houndour/Houndoom is a fav :heart: