Kattling on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kattling/art/FREE-Bouncy-Flareon-Icon-335643997Kattling

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Kattling's avatar

FREE Bouncy Flareon Icon



I wanted to make Eevee and the eeveelutions all in time with eachother, but I just couldn't make the file size small enough. :C I wish icons would allow just a little bit more.
So the eeveelutions will be in time with eachother, just not Eevee itself until I find a way to compress it better.

Thank you so much for all the support! C': I'm trying really hard to reply to all the comments at the moment, haha~ And of course, I'm trying to keep up with all the icons everyone has asked for as a way to say thank you.

I feel bad for doing two eeveelutions in a row, so I'll try and make a Mew icon too today, or at least get a good way through it. C: I'll also be doing some hand-drawn animation on my college blog either today or tomorrow too: [link]

Terms of use:
:bulletblack: Please do not reupload, claim as your own, etc.
:bulletblack: Please do not edit or modify in any way - if you want a custom one, I'm opening cheap commissions soon~
:bulletblack: This icon is free to use as your DeviantART icon, but please credit me in your signature or on your DeviantART page. C:
:bulletblack: Please comment below if you used it, just so I can check that you're doing so in accordance with the terms and conditions. C:
:bulletblack: If you see anyone violating these rules, please tell me~ Art theft is a crime~
:bulletblack: Have fun~
Image size
50x50px 12.87 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Kattling
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rrarrarayy's avatar

Cutee, using this!!!!