Kattling on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kattling/art/FREE-Bouncy-Breloom-Icon-760188146Kattling

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FREE Bouncy Breloom Icon



Hey guys! I've currently got a Kickstarter to turn this guy's buddies into charms and stickers! ;u; I've been working really hard on it, doing my research and pulling it all together, and there's some prizes and perks you can get for backing (including exclusive stuff!) and there's still a bunch of early-bird discounts to claim! Please consider backing here!: www.kickstarter.com/projects/k…

I was going through some really tough times recently, and I love Breloom, so I made a lil guy to cheer myself up. I don't think he's many people's favourite, but he tries his best and he loves you.

Wanna see me make this lil dude? Watch the speedpaint here!: youtu.be/3LSmyjC4XwU

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Terms of use:
- Do not reupload, claim as your own, trace or modify in any way.
- Please credit somewhere on your page or signature.
- Please let me know if you see anyone breaking these rules.
- Have fun, enjoy your lil bouncy guy~
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© 2018 - 2024 Kattling
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AlfaArtz's avatar
breloom is my fav