Apple II and Lisa: Sporting some 80's Apple merch!Kattlanna on DeviantArt

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Kattlanna's avatar

Apple II and Lisa: Sporting some 80's Apple merch!



I made this a few months ago, in April, but when I was browsing r/VintageApple then, I saw this post of Apple merchandise from 1983… which immediately inspired me to sketch Apple II-tan wearing the tracksuit jacket in that picture!

This was supposed to be a quick and simple sketch as I was just getting back to drawing OS-tan fanart, but I got carried away by adding in Apple Lisa-tan even though wearing anything not fancy would be out of character for her, and vectoring the entire sketch in Inkscape with shading and a background added. The background is based of one of the design elements from the Lisa OS, the color palette of the Apple II's high-res mode, and some 1980's inspired aesthetics!

Apple II-tan and Apple Lisa-tan designed by :iconc-quel:
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2037x1259px 593.79 KB
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JackiiAnimations's avatar
what the hell

you're still doing OS-tan crap to this day

ladies and gentlemen, a loyal veteran