KatSaw on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/katsaw/art/Mulefa-Concept-86862195KatSaw

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Mulefa Concept



This is a mulefa from the final book of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. In the books; the mulefa are strange four-legged creatures that are as intelligent as people. They are strange in that they have evolved in such a way that they have no spines and their legs are positioned in a "diamond" shape - one in the front, two in the side, one in the back. They use the side limbs to push themselves along because the forelimbs hold seed-pods that they use as wheels.
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600x491px 26.54 KB
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cricketflint's avatar
This is fantastic, the best concept I've seen so far. Most people drew the mulefa based almost entirely on elephants (which, obviously, is not even close), and others based them on tapirs and make the trunks far too short to use tools and weave.
I'm going to try to do one of my own, I'd really like to see Pullman's depiction for all the curious readers.
Great job!