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Kat Kalashnikov
628 Watchers136 Deviations
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Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (72)
My Bio

Long Time No See DeviantArt!!!
Thought I would check up on ya ;) (Wink)

the model and the non-model me. i'm weird stuck in a 90s wonderland. absolutely boring if your the right person.

Current Residence: somewhere in NC, but usually on the road modeling, or in drreamland, i like sleep

deviantWEAR sizing preference: skin and bones

Favourite genre of music: industrial/90s/ rap

Favourite photographer: joel peter witkin, and like a bijillion others.

Favourite style of art: sculpture

Favourite cartoon character: aeon, tank girl, the usual

Favourite Visual Artist
trevor brown, etak :) , jason 'stuntkid', michael hussar, mostly aritsts i know
Favourite Movies
at the moment, doom generation, dark crystal, antichrist(2009), Haxan, Paranormal Activity movies, Miyazaki movies; any greg arraki, lars von trier, or harmony korine movies
Favourite TV Shows
bones, the last booth on the left, game of thrones (got hooked)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
right now: salem-odd future- amon tobin-chelsea wolfe-iggy azelea-aimon-fever ray-purity ring-die antewoord my classics i love: bush-panzer ag-garbage-columbine-angelspit-fiona apple-no doubt-marilyn manson-acid bath-kidneytheives-nirvana-david bowie
Favourite Books
Francesca Lia Block books, Rant, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, and historial books on the wives of king henry VIII
Favourite Writers
saul williams
Favourite Games
i don't play games
Tools of the Trade
sewing needles, scissors, rubber cement, and cameras
Other Interests
latex, antiques, taxidermy, crochet, metalwork, and medical collections
Hey guys!!!! ATTNI am moving, and am in need of making extra money!!!!YES I work 40+ hours a week bartending, YES I have not had a day off in 11 days now. YES I am doing everything possible and under normal circumstances I can afford my cost of living, but basically I was waiting on one place and it did not work out so I had to go for another and it did work out but now I have one week to get the money. So PLEASE look at my Etsy store: CrashXTrash,  I have other clothing too, anything you ever saw and liked of mine and want just ask!!!!  I can make latex clothing,  I can sell prints of my modeling photos,  I can assist in photoshoots, I ca...
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0 min read
Long time no see,Yes I am sorry I have avoided DeviantArt. You get like a bijillon websites and social networks and you try to update them all because you never know which one will land you that special life-changing moment. Well, some fall off the radar. To be honest, DA already gave me a really good gig, about the time I stopped posting. Guess I figured everybody gets one. Tumbr also gave me a good gig and I didn't drop that, so maybe I'm just a douche. Anyways, I posted some photos. Obviously my work has gotten more formal you could say. I travel a lot, fight with my boyfriend a lot, you know, typical model stuff. I'm moving next week, ...
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Hey guys, been working on some music, this is a new song I did the vocals for. My project is called Closer to Gozer, but who I was working with thought it better just to shorten to Gozer, so I did the vocals for this. I'm really new at it, so please leave some comments or like it on youtube. Thanks a lot everyone!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIQGGUvspEY&feature=youtu.bep.s.- will post some pics soon, a lot is being held up until some magazines release :)
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Profile Comments 142

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Happy birthday!
Whats the words I'm looking for?...Stunning unique refreshing no there are no words this gallery is breathtaking well done.:D (Big Grin) Heart 
excellent photo gallery you have. a lot of unique and interesting artwork. loved it. Clap 
You're totally an inspiration. 
Congratulations on 1UP! :1UP Mushroom :
Wishing you a Happy Birthday....Hug Hug Hug Hug 
Happy Birthday Kat! !Party Have your cake and eat it too
