Katie-Yoshi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/katie-yoshi/art/Mage-Lucca-92972892Katie-Yoshi

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Katie-Yoshi's avatar

Mage Lucca



Sadly, the next image in the Pax Sarcon/Didn't Pass... set features a full suit of armor...

I really am not in the mood for that much armor.

So! I took another break from serious shading and colored in the sketch of Lucca to go with Frog. Besides being in my dream, I've also been playing around with a fanfic idea...but I won't get into the details.

To make a (very) long story short, it occurred to me that, unless Magus joins your party, Lucca is the best Magic-User (dark magic). Frog and Marle are more focused on healing, and while Crono has Luminaire...I always thought that Lucca had the best Dual Techs. (Frog Flare pwn'd Lavos)

Wouldn't it make sense that she'd continue to practice magic after the adventure?

Magus gave some inspiration for the new design. His ears weren't always pointed, after all. For the purposes of the (possible) fanfic, magic causes your ears to become pointed, which is why most Mystics have pointy ears. Magus knew quite a lot of magic, so his ears were longer.

Lucca (c) Squaresoft/Enix
Art (c) me
Image size
1203x1500px 658.12 KB
© 2008 - 2024 Katie-Yoshi
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sethorlando's avatar
that is so awesome i love how you blend the colors i wanna do that lol