Pit of Sarlacc Knit Hand Puppetkateknitsalot on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kateknitsalot/art/Pit-of-Sarlacc-Knit-Hand-Puppet-360063778kateknitsalot

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Pit of Sarlacc Knit Hand Puppet



This is my submission for the Star Wars contest at :iconknitting-and-crochet:

After a few hours of debating what to make, I decided that the Pit of Sarlacc was an under appreciated subject of Return of the Jedi. I used to watch the movies alllll the time as a kid and I loved Return of the Jedi and was totally freaked out by the Pit of Sarlacc. Its completely knitted and shaped with stuffing. It has purl ridges to kinda represent some teeth and it has some larger teeth knitted on there. It has five tentacles, which are fingers on a glove. You can wiggle them around :D

The Pit of Sarlacc is available for adoption, if anyone might be interested in purchasing it.
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5667x2473px 1.25 MB
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