Kate-Kyrillion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kate-kyrillion/art/Tortallverse-Women-441021120Kate-Kyrillion

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Tortallverse Women



Alanna, Beka, Okha, Shinkokami, Thayet, Alianne, Kel, Daine and Dovasary.

Warriors, scholars, mages, performers, spies, rulers.

I started this project with the idea of using the Disney Princess aesthetic as an irony to highlight how awesome Tamora Pierce’s heroes are. Halfway through I realised I wasn’t exactly sure WHAT I was saying anymore. Disney’s great. Tamora Pierce is great.

Though obviously constrained somewhat by the Disney aesthetic, I tried to have the dresses also reflect their wearers character a little: for more details on my choices about age and costumes etc, see their individual posts.

As for the hordes of awesome Tortallverse women I HAVEN’T depicted, they’re going to have to wait for another time. Getting nine of these done was work enough. (P.S I love Emelan-verse just as much as Tortall-verse in case there’s any doubt).

Enjoy! it took me rather longer than I’d care to admit…

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2953x1809px 2.83 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Kate-Kyrillion
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immortalrae's avatar
I am in agreeance with the other commenters. Most of these characters are unrecognizable. And yes, your images of them will be different then ours, but there are common things that they are described as, particularly with Thayet, that you just plain chose to ignore. Now this is by no means a bad piece, but these people were offering advice on how maybe you should take a look at the character designs and match them closer to the authors description and I feel you threw back their advice in their face like a child and said "no, my way is right!". When you post your work of fan art people will expect to be able to recognize the characters, and will point out if they do not. I don't really think any of them match their book descriptions and that they all look rather like sneering villians more then "Disney princesses"