Kate-Kyrillion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kate-kyrillion/art/Law-And-Order-403109074Kate-Kyrillion

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Law And Order



Here on Tumblr.

Young Vimes and Vetinari (see what I did with the title there? Pretty cunning, donchathink?).

Since these sketches are independent of each other and not part of a scene together I can claim this is Night Watch Canon. Lance-Corporal Vimes and young Master Havelock do both fight under the lilac, just... but if I remember rightly, we never do actually get to see them fighting side-by-side - Sam is out cold by the time Havelock joins the fray and in any case our perspective Vimes has left the scene by then.

It's been a while since I did any purely physical (as opposed to partly/wholly digital) art so that was fun.

Ah, paint spatter, my favourite thing, how I've missed you.
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2956x3932px 1015.14 KB
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