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Doctor Who - Dead of Winter



I noticed the fog drifting in across the beach, glowing gently.
“It’s coming,” said Amy.
“A bit.”
“Don’t be. I’m here for you.”
Amy wrapped her arms around me, and I felt a little better. The fog spread itself around us both, a sickly green.
“Amy -“
Rory Williams. Sat in a deckchair. On a beach. About to be devoured by an alien fog. For my own good. With my wife there to help me through it.
One more thing.
One thing I’d forgotten.
Neither of us had mentioned that I was tied to this chair.
“You’re not really Amy, are you?” I said.
“Shhh,” she whispered in my ear, and the fog flowed over us both, pushing the world a long way away.

Illustration assignment, book interior. Based on pages 153-154 of Doctor Who’s “Dead of Winter”. I think the best part about this assignment was the fact that they all wear period-appropriate clothes and that is great.

Graphite (mechanical, HB, 2B, and 4B) and Photoshop.
Image size
555x800px 142.81 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Kataoi
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bones-sickle's avatar
I loved the book, and this is a lovely depiction of that scene. ^_^