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KataabaIzuua's avatar

Armor Study and Guide 1



This is the first part in a series I'm doing on armor. The first is mostly about body movement because you can't create armor without understanding body movement. Its basically just things to take into consideration when designing the armor. Joints can be restricted from armor but the restriction should be limited . Also, a reminder that eyesight and hearing are important when designing a helmet.

And then a reminder that women have breasts and that fat deposit is affected by any armor on their chest. I decided to include it because although it isn't a joint, it does show how deposits of fat act within the armor. While armor restricts bones completely if covered, fat can be pushed and moved. That is, chest armor on a female can actually be rather tight so breasts aren't really too important when designing armor(unless you want the armor to have sex appeal).

Lastly, I illustrate several types of material armor is made from and how they link. The linking process can be rather complicated but, as you can see, they can be presented in a very simple way. There are all sorts of ways to illustrate the material and pattern, I simply provided one of them.

Next up, I show the different types of pieces that are in a suit of armor and the variations possible.
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aseariel's avatar
The whole series is quite useful; thank you!