Current Residence: San Francisco Bay Area, California
Favourite genre of music: rock
Favourite style of art: something that makes you think
Operating System: steel and flint
MP3 player of choice: CD's
Shell of choice: abalone
Skin of choice: tanned
Favourite cartoon character: How many guesses do you want?
Personal Quote: "Fear is the little mind killer. You panic you freeze, you freeze you crash"
✨💀💚👻🏅✨🙈✨Thank you so much! How many of the hyper badges do you have?! this is crazy!
Thx for the (Heart) Badge 💀💚🙏
btw may I have blue diamond with a core membership it won't cost you a dime.
hey awesome artwork gallery btw is the request open?
No, I've stopped taking requests, and commissions also. Sorry...