
Action Stars Vs Darkstalker: Arnold Schwarzenegger

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kart42's avatar

Literature Text

Arnold Schwarzenegger:

I’ll be Back!

Hasta La Vista baby!

Don't disturb my friend (Darkstalker name). he is dead tired

Well, that lose was Ice cold!!

(Vs.  Tom Cruise) Sorry Captain Algren, but I’ll like to inform you that Barbarians are indeed better than samurais.

(Vs. Sylvester Stallone) Barney....yooou son of a bitch!

(Vs. Bruce Willis) What's wrong Chruch? The CIA had you pushing too many pencils?

(Vs. Dolph Lundgren) You have been broken, Drago!

(Vs. Angelia Jolie) Good thing you weren't my wife. I would have considered this a divorice then.

(Vs. Chuck Norris) Well Booker. I guess your reputation isn’t as good as I thought it would be.

(Vs. Mr. T) What a lousy shot. I'm laughing already at you.

(Vs. Daniel Craig) It’s not really your fault you lost. Spies in 2084 are just way more advanced, smarter, and stronger than spies of your time.

(Vs. Self) I didn’t ask anyone to clone me! Never mind! I have to go save my family.

(Vs. Jean Van Damme) Barney was going to answer your question, but I for him…HIS NAME WAS BILLY!!!

(Vs. Dwayne Johnson) Time to get a new set of teeth, tooth fairy.

(Vs. Will Smith) Those aliens? Heh, if they can bleed, we can kill him.

(Vs. Nicholas Cage) So there is some kind of national treasure in the back of Independence of Declaration eh….how absurd.

(Vs. Jon Taliban) Play dead.....Good boy!

(Vs. B.B. Hood) Hey, so-called Dark Hunter......You're fired!!

(Vs. Q-bee) It's high time you left me be, Q-bee

(Vs. Sasquatch) Is that one of my cookies?! Put that cookie down! NOOOWW!

(Vs. Pyron) Seemed like you got burnt out!

(Vs. Hutizel) You're Terminated!

(Vs. Felicia) Don't disturb Felicia, she's dead tired and is taking a long cat-nap.

(Vs. Donovan) I know you are hunting for piece, but try not to lose it. Or else, you’d become like Sarah O Conner almost became.

(Vs. Jedah) No need to get so blown up Jedah!

(Vs. Morrigan) She was late...for a date with death!

(Vs. Lord Raptor) That music was one to really die for!

(Vs. Anakaris) Time to see your Mummy!

(Vs. Bishamon) You had a nice sword. Hope you stick around!

(Vs. Tom and Crow) I would like to see you do Batman and Robin….what a terrible movie.

(Vs.  He-man) So you are a prince eh? Well I’m looking to claim a throne…..but that’s another story.

(Vs. Guile) I eat Majors for breakfast and now i'm very hungry!

(Vs. Judge Dredd) I’m a cop you idiot! I’m detective John Kimble…..and you just  let Cullen Crisp get away!
Ok this one is the Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is famous for his role of Terminator. I try not to mention his time as Governor of California.

Updated: I changed it as to put more cheesy one-liners that Arnie usually did in his movies.
© 2013 - 2025 kart42
anonymous's avatar
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TheToonDevil's avatar
Lmao, "my friend is dead tired" is just a perfect line for this kind of game. XD