Mockingjay pinKarmillina on DeviantArt

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Karmillina's avatar

Mockingjay pin



I made this in an app called Flame Painter :) since it was made on a tablet with a quick visual reference, it's not 100% accurate, but it is definitely cool to see!

The original post in tumblr is in here

although there are many replicas of the post because of weheartit, the original was made by me :) While I decided to let the matter rest, as no one is claiming it as theirs or stuff, I'd really appreciate if you gave me a reblog if you have a tumblr ^^

In any case, it's harder to control shet in tumblr than in deviantART where you claim copyright of a picture as soon as you upload it, so if you post it here, I won't be so clement ^^ watch out!
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800x600px 982.77 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Karmillina
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The14thMusician's avatar
This is beautiful...
"Hope, the only thing stronger than fear. A spark is fine, but only if it is contained."
"I am the Mockingjay, and it's hard enough to keep me alive as it is."
"I am the Mockingjay."