kariavalon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kariavalon/art/A-Story-of-Morning-and-Night-341760756kariavalon

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kariavalon's avatar

A Story of Morning and Night



ahaha instead of studying, I ended up finishing this.. overdue fanart that was originally intended to be a print for my first artist alley.

This illustration seemed to like bothering me so much. ;A; I had to fix up so many things along the way.
Furthermore.. I think this was of those times where I would have liked to draw a grand-looking image (as in, there was far more stuff to be drawn but it never fit in the overall scheme).. but I ended up failing miserably and settled for something just to finish the work.

Anyway, this is a fanart of Violette and Hortense from Sound Horizon's 5th album Roman. In the background is a silhouette of Hiver Laurant, the central character of the album.

I actually had him drawn and was at the flats stage.. but I couldn't do anything with it. I almost scrapped him entirely from the image LOL. In the end, I settled with a silhouette as a compromise. Maybe when I have time after exams.. I'll quickly color it and post it somewhere.

My introduction to Sound Horizon was from listening to the song Utsukushiki Mono (Beautiful Things) about two years ago. Right now it's still one of my favorite songs from Sound Horizion. :heart:
Image size
960x701px 224.16 KB
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xxItahzuxx's avatar
hahahah i hope not studying did not hurt your grade Karia-sama, but im amaze youd do so much awesome work for your fanart of Sound Horizon, and in that i applaud you, i see what you mean from the background lol but once again wonderful work i do not see any problems with this (or just lazy to search) but wonderful hope to see more of yoru worksoon