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Knows how a pincushion feels
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Fusiliers Forever: Chapter 10 by DrOfDemonology, literature

Fusiliers Forever: Chapter 9 by DrOfDemonology, literature

Fusiliers Forever: Chapter 8 by DrOfDemonology, literature

Fusiliers Forever: Chapter 7 by DrOfDemonology, literature

Fusiliers Forever: Chapter 6 by DrOfDemonology, literature

Fusiliers Forever: Chapter 5 by DrOfDemonology, literature

Fusiliers Forever: Chapter 4 by DrOfDemonology, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Paradise Syndrome Take Two by karanua, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Three Year Resupply by karanua, visual art

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 18 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (206)
Alpha Tester: Ultimate Bug Squisher
Brush Lover: Early DeviantArt muro brush adopter

Favourite Movies
Alien, The Bucket List, Meet Joe Black, Silent Running, Forbidden Planet, Logans Run
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Star Trek (TOS), Firefly
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Tangerine Dream, Electric Light Orchestra, OMD, Vangelis, Travelling Wilburys
Favourite Books
Rama, et al
Favourite Writers
Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, A. Bertram Chandler, etc ad infinitum
Favourite Games
SFRPG (various)
Favourite Gaming Platform
paper, pencils & dice
Tools of the Trade
computer, pens and inks, acrylic formula 4 and drawing board

Sally Ride RIP

0 min read
For those who don't know Sally Ride, astronaut and America's first woman in space passed on recently. She battled for a long time with pancreatic cancer but it finally got the upper hand. A very influential person to me personally because we both shared the same problem, yes I have pancreatic cancer too - its the reason I've not posted much recently.God speed Sally Ride you were an inspiration to fellow sufferers of the disease not to mention young girls in America. She was an inspiration to young girls to strive further and aim at the stars.
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Null Program

0 min read
Just a quick word to give you guys the lowdown on why the dearth of uploads from yours truly this last couple of months. My health has hit rock bottom and if things weren't bad enough I tripped over one of my own IV lines and broke my shoulder on the kitchen floor. I bought a wacom (beginner model, nothing fancy but it doubles as a touch pad allowing me to use my comp much in the same manner I would my android tablet.) in order to try to improve my somewhat diabollical texturing skills, the fucked shoulder has that on hold till it heals same as the traditional art I'd been doing thats had to be held over too.Fighting depression when in thi...
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This is week four for me that I've not been able to stomach solid food, its a pretty bad situation to be in mainly due to a lack of energy. Its no where near the longest time I've had to go without either but this time does seem somewhat different. I had a bout of flu during the early stage this time and my body didn't or rather wasn't getting the extra energy it needed to repair itself so the flue lasted a full three weeks instead of the usual few days. Woke up this morning though with something different - the harsh abdominal pains that had put me off eating had gone completely (I suffer from chronic pancretitis) and I actually managed a...
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Profile Comments 2.5K

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I just came by because I randomly clicked on an image in my "Random From Favorites"
I don't know how I missed this, how I didn't realise it had been so long since I'd seen something from you in my inbox. I'm always running behind on catching up.
I... I have a "karanua" folder in my Favourites and I didn't quite notice that I haven't had anything to add to it in years.
This keeps happening.

I hope that wherever your soul is, it's having a good time.
Rest In Peace.

god I'm terrible at these
Good bye, my dear friend. 
I miss our long conversations. 
Happy birthday!!! :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz:
Based on the comments here, I think he died on dA's 12th birthday, or earlier than that.

May he rest in peace, even though I just knew about this today. :saddummy: :pray:
RIP mate, will miss our many conversation and arguments!
I can't believe it.  I'd been away so long, I didn't even know.  You'd always been a great individual off of whom to bounce ideas.  I'm hardly expressing any original sentiments, but I mean it when I concur that you'll be missed.
you will be missed.