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karaii's avatar

Vinland Saga - Dream



Ideally set sometime during September 1015 (ch 63-65)...Thorfinn dreams. Just an experimental comic (: I love this series so much! I didn't script this comic, I just sort of let it happen, so I apologize if it seems a tad bit incoherent or rambling or just nonsensical.

Thorfinn thinks of a lot of things during Farmland Saga, and here I was just trying to tap into his head, see what sort of things he was contemplating...reliving memories in his mind with a new eye, perhaps....

Why did Askeladd keep Thorfinn around, rather than just throwing him overboard or killing him? Of course, he came to use Thorfinn as his go-to guy to get suicidal-level missions done, but before Thorfinn was good enough to do such things, he was a child... perhaps he wished to keep Thorfinn around as a reminder of what a great man he'd killed? Or maybe...?

Vinland Saga (c) Makoto Yukimura
Image size
595x5070px 2.84 MB
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moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar

But he didn't die, Askeladd.