Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!Kapteeni-Teepannu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kapteeni-teepannu/art/Happy-Hearts-and-Hooves-Day-513274144Kapteeni-Teepannu

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Kapteeni-Teepannu's avatar

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!



I'm sorry, Valentines was actually just an excuse for me to draw something different. I usually never draw any seasonal feast themed stuff, even though I've always wanted to! :saddummy: But this year thanks to DeviantARt reminding about Valentines (which it actually does every year on every holiday but whatever) I said to myself: "This year you're in! And you're going to participate with Pinkie Pie! No exceptions! Yay!" That's pretty much it, and as you can most likely imagine, I got so damn sick and tired of doing it on the halfway through(i would like to thank school and nearly non-existent free time for my lack of motivation). And even now i just finished it real quick just to get rid of it. C: Whee, nonetheless it was an mind-expanding and somewhat little fun experience, though lineless "painting" style isn't really my cup of tea.  

But anyway, I'd like wish you all an amazing Valentines Day in advance!:La: in Love with :Dummy: 
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jyroman53's avatar
Wut is dis in da sky ? It's a Bird ! It's a Plane ! NOPE.AVI It's Pinkie Pie !