www.facebook.com/media/set/?se…www.flickr.com/photos/kanutox/…Current Residence: province of the South
Favourite genre of music: mix genre, any good music
Favourite photographer: Gavin Hoey
Operating System: windows7
MP3 player of choice: creative zen xfi
I'm not crazy about f stops, shutter speeds, focal lengths, or lighting ratios.
Once I get past the technical stuff I try to capture
"feelings"instead of "people and things".
My camera became more of a paint brush. It was a little box to capture poignant moments, images that spoke to me...
The best photographs work because they communicate an emotion, a memory, future hopes or dreams, etc.
Through my camera I would like to share with you my own perspective.
"Come on folks, take a risk and create images that you love, images that fit your vision as an artist. That’s right, if you have a passion to create, you are by definition an artist and no one can say otherwise."
-Joel Grimes
(Thanks for the inspiration Zhuan Yun, Joel Grimes, Pelicahn of DA and Paco Guerrero)