You can come with usKannaAsa on DeviantArt

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You can come with us



I could call this Part 2^^ Selfmade again with Pencil, Watercollor and Fineliner

After she said this Words she left the Elric Brothers. Both of them had a strange feeling with her Words. It was´nt the words themselves that were troubling them.

It was the
way she said it.

Edward run after the Girl: "Hey, uhm... You can use Alchemie, who teachd you?"

Amy: "My Brother." she said cold

Autsch! -w- Nice one, Ed...

Amy: "Well, he and than i try to learn it myself. His Teacher teachd me the last Phrases"  Now her Voices sounded more relaxed

Ed: "How far did you get?  Or will you tell me that you only can built Gravestones?" he said with a little smirk

Al: "Brother!"     ..."Pfff!"     Al turnd to Amy

She hold her Hand before her Mauth, was she giggling???

Amy: "Thats an interesting Question.  I am actually used to biological Transmutation.
Minerals are not my area of expertise."

Al: "Really? Plants or Animals?"

Amy: "Animals. But i wouldnt call me an Expert in this Area" she scratch sheepishly her Head

Edward laughd: "We neither! Thats ok, you dont have to be. So you can keep study. I mean, doesnt it feel great when you get to learn more?"

Amy: "Yes!" now her Face and voice was bright and happy

I guess that is a matter between nerds^^ Once among themselves, they are cheerful. They talkd like that for one Hour, all Tragidy was forgotten.
They stood in the park as in the belfry the bells were ringing.

Al: "Brother! The Train!"

Ed: "Oh crap, i totally forgot abou that! Hey, uh, Amy! Could you help us?"

Amy: "Uhm, yes?"

They ran to a property to pick Edwards Luggage. Then the 3 ran as fast as they can to the station.

Ed: *sigh* "Oh man, we made it! Thanks alot, Amy!"

Amy jelld from behind the Bag: "Your Welcome!" she layd the bag down. "So i guess this is the Goodby now... for sure^^" she hold her Hand to Edward "It was a really pleasure to meet you Guys"

Al shaked her Hand: "It was an really interesting Talk we had. I hope we meet again, so we can continue that."

Amy: "Hm hm"
There was it again. This strange Sight was back in her Face and Ed had this feeling again. This strange feeling, that...

That she disappears as soon as she's alone.

Edward stared at the Train: "....Whataya say? Wanna join us?"

Amy: "...What?"
Al: "Brother?"

Ed: "
I mean, you've got anyway no concrete plans about what to do next. So why dont you come with us?"

Amy: "But i dont have the Money!"

Ed: "Gah, no problem. I´ll pay it this Time and you
pay me back sometime!"  he turnd around to look at Amy with a devilish grin on his face "And for real, i want this Money back! No matter how long it will take!"

Amy stood there, not sure if she should be happy or sad, not sure what to say.

She opted for a petulant smirk.
"You are a Demon, you know that?"

So they entered the Train and their
journey began
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