Project Educate!

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kangel's avatar

PE 2010 stamp by projecteducate
Hi! :la:

projecteducate is coming to your friendly neighbourhood C&C gallery from tomorrow, the 20th til the 26th of February. You may have noticed the other mods doing a rather awesome job over the past weeks and now it's my turn to spam you with delightful articles, interviews, features and other delightful things I can come up with.

Sunday 20th
:bulletpink: Sketchmatch in #CandC from 3pm GMT
:bulletpink: So you want to make a comic?
:bulletpink: Comics and Cartoons come to life contest!
:bulletpink: Interview with ~emmav
:bulletpink: C&C artists feature #1

Monday 21st
:bulletpink: Comic and Cartoons A - Z Part 1
:bulletpink: Interview with *inkblort
:bulletpink: C&C artists feature #2

Tuesday 22nd
:bulletpink: Interview with 'mooncalfe
:bulletpink: Publishing you comic
:bulletpink: Comics and Cartoons A-Z Part 2
:bulletpink: C&C artists feature #3

Wednesday 23rd
:bulletpink: Comics and Cartoons A - Z Part 3
:bulletpink: Stock Treasury #5: Comics & Cartoons
:bulletpink: Interview with =seph-hunter
:bulletpink: C&C artists feature #4

Thursday 24th
:bulletpink: Expressions Reference Project Meme
:bulletpink: Comics and Cartoons A - Z Part 4
:bulletpink: Interview with *blix-it
:bulletpink: C&C artists feature #5
:bulletpink: Webcomic hosting
:bulletpink: Webcomic feature

Friday 25th
:bulletpink: Comics and Cartoons A - Z Part 5
:bulletpink: C&C artists feature #6
:bulletpink: Interview with *VinRoc

Saturday 26th
:bulletpink: All day chat event in #CandC, including sketchmatch, critiques and general musings.
:bulletpink: C&C artists feature #7
:bulletpink: Webcomic feature #2
:bulletpink: C&C come to life contest winners!

Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? It's easy! :D
:bulletpink: Take part - Love the articles, take part in the chat events and anything else that may come up ;D
:bulletpink: Spread the word - Let everyone know what's going on; share any articles you find interesting useful or interesting, let your friends know about any chat events or challenges!
:bulletpink: Show me your favourites! Spam me with all your favourite comic and cartoon artists here on DA, send me your favourite piece of C&C work you've done, any current contests or good groups you think are relevant.

Or anything else you can think of! ;D
Peace out! :peace:

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DestinieKirby's avatar
Project Educate for C&C turned out wonderful! Thank you for all of your hard work. :heart: