kampongboy92 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kampongboy92/art/World-Flags-63208143kampongboy92

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kampongboy92's avatar

World Flags



World Flags
Dock Icons

Contain 255 icons which in PNG format with 256*256 pixels for use in your objectdock application.

You also can use it for your personal websites, blogs, as avatars, signatures or display pictures on forums or instant messaging software.

- Contain: 255 countries
- Format: .png
- Software creation: Adobe Photoshop CS2

Note: If I left out another country, please let me know.

:bulletred: Please post any comment so that I can improve my works.
:bulletred: If you like my works, you can simply click here or :+fav: it.

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Hi, kampongboy9! I'd like to use your flags in a homepage I build for a cutomer of mine. How much is it, how can I pay or donate?
Thanks, Mario. mario@mariocus.de