Harvest in the family garden (3 years of NST!)KamikoTorayama391 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kamikotorayama391/art/Harvest-in-the-family-garden-3-years-of-NST-980388467KamikoTorayama391

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KamikoTorayama391's avatar

Harvest in the family garden (3 years of NST!)


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Who knows if it can happen in their Future. For now, it's only a dream. A bittersweet dream smelling like August, apples, seasons changing and children's laughter.
3 years ago, the 1st page of NewStepTale was published here on DeviantArt. I had pretty tough time those days, and this impulsive action of starting something new leaded me here where I am now. Three years of warmth and sincere support, three years of non-stop progress, meeting new people, new friends, new sides of myself. 4 chapters are almost done in these years, and more waits ahead. Now, I see a lot of mistakes I've made back at the start. And even so, I'm happy to see how big and great it is now. It's evolving along with me, and it's what makes it even better I think.

I'm grateful from my heart to all the powers existing for allowing me be here with you all
Let's see what awaits for our beloved children and their friends in their Future!
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© 2023 - 2025 KamikoTorayama391
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Bullet-Magnet's avatar

Hey! Those ghost children are scrumping apples!