My current art focus deals with Mesoamerican themes and subjects to educate myself more on my people and spread awareness of these great cultures to others. I also like to depict nudes, animals and fantasy based artwork. Comics are my other passions among other things.
Current Residence: Bay Area, CA for now.
Age: 27
Your work here is inspiring to say the least ^^
My usual focus is fleshing out creatures and characters from folklore as accurately as I can, and I am currently trying to explore the Quinametzin. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the sources I gathered so far say they were derived from an ethnic group the Aztec wiped out called the Quiname. Would you know where I can find more information about them? Nothing on their culture or appearance shows up every time I tried searching for them.
Love your art. Thanks for your great job!!!
can you do commissions?
Where I can buy your comics in digital form?
Awesome gallery!