kalmanen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kalmanen/art/Nemesis-Luna-T-14-422927195kalmanen

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Nemesis Luna T-14



Registered Name: Nemesis Luna, ID #T-14
Nickname: Mesi (nectar in finnish)
Breed: %Equus-Ballator- import design
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 years old
Height: 17 HH
Colour and markings: Sooty black pearl pangare with silver grey horns, hooves and eyes.
Genotype: Ee aa prlprl ff PP StySty
Can have black-, bay- or chestnut-based foals, that will all be sooty pearl and flaxen carriers

Extra information: Mesi is plains type mare, with 10 rarity. More coming soon.

Charasteristics: Coming.

Family unknown.

Points information coming soon.

Breeding - currently CLOSED*
*I am not currently accepting offers on this horse.


FIIINALLLY got her ref posted, can not waaiiittt her to be joined by my new forest stallion :la:
Image size
900x900px 272.31 KB
© 2013 - 2024 kalmanen
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Agaave's avatar
Aina kun näen näitä Equus-Ballaroteita, mulla tulee mieleen se mainos "EB on siististi cool... " :D
Ja vaikka se mainos ei ookaan ehkä ihan niin siisti ja cool, niin nämä hevos-EB:t kyllä on.
Tosi mielenkiintoinen rotu!

Tämä sun uusin EB onkin erityisen kaunis yksilö, ihanat pienet ja sievät torahampaat ja jäänväriset silmät! :heart: