Kalifornia-Now's avatar


Kalifornia Now
Years Ago
41 Members50 Watchers

Comments 17

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Thanks for the request!
Is this group still active? 
I would like to submit to your gallery but it's giving me an error
Thank you so much for :+fav: my Alcatraz and Catamaran Picture in your :gallery:
I really appreciate that!!
Lots of sun :sun:
You are very welcome...
I'm new to the group and after having done considerable wandering I still haven't located your daily/weekly/monthly limits for submission...if you could let me know, I'd be appreciative.

Also I have a bit of confusion over the way to submit to the selected areas of San Francisco (and do new submissions now have to be renamed for the hub?) when I submit through the normal way it only gives me "San Fransisco" not the individual list...

Thanks for the help and for accepting me to this group :blowkiss:
Great questions.... at this time no limit on number of photos that can be submitted...our hub upload is still being worked out. San Francisco is the correct file for any thing in the city...There will be an update coming soon..