Urban Aeriekalicothekat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kalicothekat/art/Urban-Aerie-52237291kalicothekat

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kalicothekat's avatar

Urban Aerie



This bald eagle, which symbolizes freedom as well as pure wildness, has had to conform to the world we've built around it. Will it be able to keep up with us in the future?

Anyway, this was fun. :D Eheh.....those buildings were hard. Turns out that watercolor doesn't like straight lines and realistic windows on buildings |D;. 'Specially since I had no clue what I was doing |D;. OH WELL, I learned a lot :). (Though I still want to go back into that frontmost building, as it still bothers me).

The meaning of this is really up to your own interpretation. It could be a political message, an environmental (like the one I wrote), or something else :).
Refs: My own references used for the eagle (yay for zoos!) and a few of my own + google for the Houston-downtown-inspired buildings :).
Time: A buncha hours
Tools: Watercolors and a micron pen :D
Picture is © to me. Please do not use without my permission.

I hope ya'll like this xD! :heart: Comments are really appreciated ;3; <3!
Image size
600x831px 229.66 KB
© 2007 - 2025 kalicothekat
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Dark-Memory's avatar
I love eagles. I have an eagle in a story I am writing titled X: Revolution or Extinction. The eagle's name is Tor!