Kalgrost on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kalgrost/art/GCS-252-in-Zone-1-Camouflage-395068827Kalgrost

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GCS 252 in Zone 1 Camouflage



Ground Combat System 252 is the designation for an individual member of the infantry in the largest and most powerful galkgrost nation, the name of which roughly translates as “Keeping”. Keeping doctrine does not recognize soldiers as individuals with inherent value but as weapon systems to be employed for the accomplishment of strategic objectives.

Depicted here is a male in full combat gear. Ceramic plates wrapped in aramid fiber protect the head against shrapnel, ricochets, and glancing shots from small arms. The body is given limited protection against shrapnel, ricochets, and flames by layers of armaid fiber. The segmented section visible on the lower torso is a tough, smooth plastic backed with a thin layer of aramid fibers. Although it provides extremely limited protection from flying debris and bladed weapons, its primary purpose is to serve as a tough, flexible 'boot', allowing mobility but providing traction. Rear-facing serrations along the edge of each section prevent rearward sliding, particularly on rubble and debris.

The lack of identifying markings on the outfit indicates that this individual is a new recruit, not yet viewed as worth being given an official rank or being addressed by unit memebership, let alone name. The missing tail-piece is likely indicative of low status as well; many Keeping units have ancient traditions of hazing new members at least until their first confirmed kill in battle. This individual may be undergoing such a ritual initiation, forced to go without a conspicuous piece of his outfit until he earns full membership in his unit.


The object visible forward of the head covering is a radio microphone; the conformal antenna is integrated into the helmet. The concept of giving individual soldiers their own communications is new to Keeping doctrine, and the radios have already become notorious for their inability to pick up galkgrokst speech, much of which involves sounds made by rubbing or slapping tentacles together. However, since most 252s are expected only to receive and obey orders, at most acknowledging or answering simple yes-and-no questions, this is not viewed as a major impediment.

The plug-like device visible on the rear of the upper torso is part of a protected-breathing system which provides some protection against smoke, dust, radioactive fallout, and certain chemical agents.

The box-like object just visible on the upper torso, image right, is a waste-collection system for extended movement and operations.

Visible on the back are four drum magazines for the standard-issue infantry rifle. Behind the magazines are two storage compartments for additional supplies and equipment. Other equipment and storage can be attached using the straps visible further back along the body.

The camouflage pattern here is a new type developed by Keeping for planned operations in temperate, wooded areas and croplands with green plants. It consists of colors derived from high-altitude photographs assigned, at random, to a grid and printed at the lowest possible cost onto the denim-like exterior coating of the body armor. The emphasis in this design was on rapid development and low cost rather than effectiveness.


Image and ensemble design by :iconshimmering-sword: who is a professional and a gentleman.

Galkgrost created by yours truly. Please don't use them or this image for anything. That would make you an unimaginative creep.
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randomeye713's avatar

I do love the idea that the basic principles of tactical gear transcend the species that would fabricate them