Kal-Chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kal-chan/art/Powerman-5000-120153194Kal-Chan

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Powerman 5000



It's really hard for me to get a good picture of my latest creation, sorry. This is powerman 5000. Ref's of the bands used from pixely youtube videos "nobody's real" and "bombshell", also looked up images of the band members and their instruments on the band's myspace and ask.
Mediums used: pencil, ink, copic tria and prismacolor markers and prismacolor colored pencils, and a metallic sharpie but that doesn't show up in my camera phone pics of this so sorry.

This took me about a week, almost, working about 8 or more hours/day on it.

Oh, and if you don't know who pm5k is....than I'm sorry, but you suck bigger goat balls than my even highschool chemistry teacher who was spawned from the deepest depths of the fires of hell. They're only one of the best bands ever....get my point? :)
Image size
1200x1600px 403.05 KB
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