Kakurady on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kakurady/art/Kakurady-on-the-Move-84575761Kakurady

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Kakurady's avatar

Kakurady on the Move



Whew... finally moved to the new place! Sure, the rent's only for 4 months, but in the meantime, I won't have to do anything as tiring as moving two boxes, four bags and a lot of other things around, right?

... wrong.

This doodle, meant to be used on my blog as an illust, took me three hours to draw (and an additional two in tweaking).
Kind of worth the effort though.
This is the first thing I have drawn in one month and first time ever to use Inkscape to do all the drawing. Also first time drawing digitgrade too.

★Special thanks to ~Civet-coffee for his suggestion on the facial outline. ♪
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RyanFawks's avatar
Woot! bamboo ftw

You have better skills then meh D: