Stolen/borrowed from a thief XD,

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Kaira-Rivera's avatar
Stole this from :iconsgraffitoferret: who stole it from :iconmultimediapanda: .... So I had to steal it from her too x3;

1) Choose one of your own characters.
2) Make them answer the following questions.
3) Then, tag three people.
4) Feel free to add some questions of your own.

Character: Hikaru

1) What gender are you?
Male of course, Dummy.

2) What is your age?
Why, You want to make sure your perverted wants are legal? Dirty Bastard. *poked at by Kaira: ....*sighs* I'm 17-years-old. Jerks.

3) Do you want a hug?
...From brother, yes. From you? Hmmm....Fuck no.

4) Do you have any bad habits?
No way. I'm a perfect being, so far above your level of mortality that even God can't believe my purity and beauty. But brother is better then even me. So stay away from him, or I'll punish you.

5) What is your favorite food?
Wing Cookies! ^w^ (Cookies in the shape of his brother's wings)

6) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Umm....I don't know...I kind of like the plain stuff. *thinks about it, pouting in thought* Stuff like Vanilla or Strawberry...those are the best.

7) Are you a virgin?
.... *looks away, suddenly in a dark mood* ......don't ask that.... *glares*

8) Have you killed anyone?
No...Beating them to a como doesn't count, right?

9) Do you hate anyone?
Everyone who comes near brother. They're dirty and dirty his precious air.

10) Do you have any secrets?
*dark mood darkens even more* ..... *walks to room and slams door shut*

11) What is your favorite season?
*From behind closed door* Winter, since brother and I can sip hot chocolate together then.

12) Who are your best friends?
Friends...? Uhh... *looks away*

13) What are your hobbies?
Protecting my brother's purity from the likes of all you damn, dirty bastards! >o< Stop looking at him!!!! *Thows a hissy fit*

14) What is your favorite drink?
^w^ hard to choose... Strawberry Daiquiri!

15) When is your birthday?
May 13th, I was born on a Friday. x3

16) What age did you die?
DIE?! I never died! >< Dummy!

17) Are you nice or mean?
I'm a perfect little angel, so of course I'm nice! Not that your opinion matters. *shrug*

18) What do you think of your creator?
*looks at Kaira, then glares* Ew...Boobs...gross. *turns away, huffing* Flubby bitch.

Kaira: TToTT *holds hands out for Hikaru* But I love you, sweetheart....

19) What is your weakness?
Weakness....? Well...I guess my older brother. *little hearts above head* He's so perfect and I want someone to love, who is just like him! If they're not like him, then they're not perfect enough for me and can go to hell. Bastards. *looks away, eyes dark*

20) How long can you stay under water?
...umm...Why would I know?

21) What do you do on a regular day basis?
I go to school and deal with the dicks there... Come home, do homework because brother says I have to....then I get to cook dinner with Brother! ^_^ <3

22) Do you love someone?
No way. He's a damn bastard. I hate him and his selfish ways.... He's nothing like brother.... *blushes and pouts*

23) Does that person love you back?
I... *Looks away, blushing* ...Why should he...? *murmured*

24) Do you like me?
...Fuck no, dirty idiot! ><; You're so far below my brother's beauty and perfection, why the hell would I like you?!

25) What do you consider fun in the day time?
Playing games with brother or watching Tv!

26) At night?
CLUBING~! WOOOHOOO~! *throws hands up into the air* Brother?! Will you get me a drink again? Please, please, please?!

27) Do you like meatballs?
They're good *nod*

28) Do you like Chef Boyardee's meatballs?
Ew, no. *shakes head*

29) Are you gay?
Yep, gay as can be. Girls are disgusting with the fatty blobs on their chests. Ick. *Shudder*

30) Say that you were trapped in a closet with your lover for 2 days straight. What do you do if you start to starve in ONLY A 2-DAY RADIUS?
I'd tell him that he better not come anywhere near me and if I get hungry...I'll just eat him. *Shrug* Perfection must be preserved, after all.

31) Wow, really?
Why not? I'll just have to purify my body afterwards or something, since his dirty body would taint mine. Hmph.

32) What is your place of origin?
Doesn't matter now. I'm living with brother in a place where we are accepted for who we are.

33) Who are your parents?
Despicable scum who have no right to be our parents.

34) Are you wearing underwear right now?
...What is with you? *eyebrow raise* Pervert!

35) What's your occupation?

36) What makes you unique?
My beauty and perfect personality.

Kaira: He's got a blue eye and a red eye, as well as naturally ashy colored skin and black hair with a natural white streak in it. x3

37) Do you have a phobia?
Me? Fear anything? Yea right.

Kaira: *holds out giant needle, grining*

GYAAAAAHHHHHH! *Hides behind brother, sobbing* T^T

38) Is this quiz over?
*Unable to stop crying from shock and fear*
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