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Thought I'd give the quiz a go! ^_^
# What is the name of your fursona?
Zaxari Avari
# Where did the name of your Fursona come from?
From an Rp me and a friend did, where I played a boy named Zack. It got boring though...So I renamed his Zaxari, but he needed a lastname too, so Avari it was. X3;
# What species is your fursona and why did you choose that species?
He's a Bobcat/Snow leopard hybrid. I picked it because, well, I was drawing him and thats what he ended up looking like.
# What color is your fursona and why? Hair/fur/eyes/etc
Zaxari has a gray body with darker gray/tan and black markings and white hair, blue eyes, and white chest fur.
# What is your fursona's personality and how does this compare to your RL personality?
He's very happy and very sexual. (He loves sex.) I, on the other hand, am rather depressing and I would rather not have sex most of the time.
# What is one item your fursona owns that is significant to you in RL?
Hmm...This is a hard one, because I really don't have him own anything I love. (He'd probably end up breaking it or something)
# What is one thing you think you would say to your fursona if you could meet?
I've been waiting for this moment...Since I'm obviously going completely nuts, I might as well push it further. Sit down, close your eyes, and let me brush your hair. (Ha! Let down! XP )
# What is one thing your fursona would say to you if you could meet?
Thank you for Zek. He's the best thing to come into my Life.
Me: ...your not even dating him....You're just room mates.
# How has your fursona changed over the years?
Not very much. He still plays games most of the time, if silly and has no rhyme or reason.
# How long have you had this fursona?
For about...2 or 3 years I think.
# Would you like to be more like your fursona?
Well..Yea, duh. He's more confident then myself. Thats why I love him. And he's cute.
# Now tag three people.
Tag. You're reading this. You know who you are. Go forth and do it.
# What is the name of your fursona?
Zaxari Avari
# Where did the name of your Fursona come from?
From an Rp me and a friend did, where I played a boy named Zack. It got boring though...So I renamed his Zaxari, but he needed a lastname too, so Avari it was. X3;
# What species is your fursona and why did you choose that species?
He's a Bobcat/Snow leopard hybrid. I picked it because, well, I was drawing him and thats what he ended up looking like.
# What color is your fursona and why? Hair/fur/eyes/etc
Zaxari has a gray body with darker gray/tan and black markings and white hair, blue eyes, and white chest fur.
# What is your fursona's personality and how does this compare to your RL personality?
He's very happy and very sexual. (He loves sex.) I, on the other hand, am rather depressing and I would rather not have sex most of the time.
# What is one item your fursona owns that is significant to you in RL?
Hmm...This is a hard one, because I really don't have him own anything I love. (He'd probably end up breaking it or something)
# What is one thing you think you would say to your fursona if you could meet?
I've been waiting for this moment...Since I'm obviously going completely nuts, I might as well push it further. Sit down, close your eyes, and let me brush your hair. (Ha! Let down! XP )
# What is one thing your fursona would say to you if you could meet?
Thank you for Zek. He's the best thing to come into my Life.
Me: ...your not even dating him....You're just room mates.
# How has your fursona changed over the years?
Not very much. He still plays games most of the time, if silly and has no rhyme or reason.
# How long have you had this fursona?
For about...2 or 3 years I think.
# Would you like to be more like your fursona?
Well..Yea, duh. He's more confident then myself. Thats why I love him. And he's cute.
# Now tag three people.
Tag. You're reading this. You know who you are. Go forth and do it.
Stolen/borrowed from a thief XD,
Stole this from ~SgraffitoFerret ( who stole it from :iconmultimediapanda: .... So I had to steal it from her too x3;
1) Choose one of your own characters.
2) Make them answer the following questions.
3) Then, tag three people.
4) Feel free to add some questions of your own.
Character: Hikaru
1) What gender are you?
Male of course, Dummy.
2) What is your age?
Why, You want to make sure your perverted wants are legal? Dirty Bastard. *poked at by Kaira: ....*sighs* I'm 17-years-old. Jerks.
3) Do you want a hug?
...From brother, yes. From you? Hmmm....Fuck no.
4) Do you have any bad habits?
No way. I'm a perfect being, so far a
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I was thinking about it myself, and personally, I'd love to see quite a few other Art RPGs start up. Pedigree would be an awesome concept for one as well, allowing purebred dogs and maybe one for cats as well, and incorporate a lot of the RL standards for them, even if not the coat colors and markings and all that. *nods* It'd be an idea. Same for with the
You're a 90's kid if.....
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You can finish this 'ice ice _'
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You just cant resist finishing this . . . "Iiiiiiin west philidelphia born and raised . . ."
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You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.
You remember reading "Goosebumps"
You took plastic cartoon lun
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