Art RPGs?

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Kaira-Rivera's avatar
So I know that the Horse Art RPG went pretty far pretty fast, and it's still doing great. With such popularity, someone else decided to open up a Wolf Art RPG. Because of this and the good response from that as well, I have to wonder how many other ones would be really awesome to open up.

I was thinking about it myself, and personally, I'd love to see quite a few other Art RPGs start up. Pedigree would be an awesome concept for one as well, allowing purebred dogs and maybe one for cats as well, and incorporate a lot of the RL standards for them, even if not the coat colors and markings and all that. *nods* It'd be an idea. Same for with the cats. What I'd love to see would be one for Rodents. Rabbits, rats, mice, Kangaroo rats, and stuff like that. Just an Idea, you know, since people breed and train rats and rabbits for show as well.

What other ones do you guys think could be interesting?
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LuckyIvoryWolf's avatar
I think any kind of wild animal family would be awesome.
I think there should be one for bears and similar ones would be cool as well.
Why don't you start up your own? Make a forum about it to get more interst, and watch it fly.