Rising Dragon Roaring Tiger - Morphicon PrintKaijuSamurai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kaijusamurai/art/Rising-Dragon-Roaring-Tiger-Morphicon-Print-476856480KaijuSamurai

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Rising Dragon Roaring Tiger - Morphicon Print


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Finally finished! Get yours at Power Morphicon, this weekend! Look for my booth in Artists' Alley!
Image size
1141x742px 1.07 MB
© 2014 - 2025 KaijuSamurai
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Martialarts2003's avatar

I think the Drago zord from the power rangers series appears as a kaiju like dragon mech, what the Dragon Zord was actually mecha base off of a kaiju like Godzilla creature that could be called a Dragorasaurus that the Dragon zord would based off of, and it may sound like a Ultraman kaiju creature name like Gamora From the Ultraman series which would be pretty cool if it was.