Tribute to Christopher LeeKaijuDuke on DeviantArt

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Tribute to Christopher Lee



I know its been some time since Sir Lee's passing, but I really wanted to pay my respects to a great man and beyond talented actor who lived a long full life and had an impact on the lives of many, including me, so I hired fellow Lee fan :iconcurtsibling: to draw this picture of Christopher Lee as four of his best roles over the course of his career (credit to Curt for convincing me to add Lord Summerisle & Charlemagne to the lineup, good call). Rest in peace Sir Lee, you will be remembered, thanks for everything. 

From left to right: Count Dracula, Lord Summerisle, Saruman the Wise, & Charlemagne 
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ardashir's avatar
RIP Sir Christopher. Once a star on Earth but now returned to the heavens.