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KaijuDuke's avatar

Mad Morta



Morta, a mad witch adorned with skeletal tattoos, completely naked from head to toe. Morta was an outlaw amongst Witches long before the Coven fell, a practitioner of black magic & a diehard advocate for the common use of what her peers would call “the forbidden arts,” she desires to help create a world where her magic can used out in the open instead of behind closed doors, & her choice of Warlord will reflect this ultimately. Morta’s tattoos serve as magic seals containing the souls of the dead that she has captured & collected, & which she can summon to do her bidding in battle whenever she pleases, from an instant zombie army to weaponized Banshees, she is the mistress of necromancy. The limitations of her abilities are that she cannot capture the souls of the living healthy, only people who are already at deaths door, otherwise she could just suck people’s souls out whenever she pleased, AND whenever she uses up a spirit she loses a tattoo, meaning she can run out of ammo & have to go re-arm herself & “reapply” her lost tatt whenever she has a free moment. Her nudity makes it easier for her to keep track of how many souls she has left to burn before she runs out, but at the same time she sees herself as a living work of art and likes to boldly showoff her work, only covering up when she absolutely must for stealth purposes, often claiming the spirits trapped within her tatts keep her warm and protected from the harsher elements. The only garments she chooses to wear originally beyond a few decorations here and there are the ceremonial dagger sheaths around her waist, said weapons primarily used for the quick execution of helpless victims for the sake of harvesting new souls, or secondarily as defensive weapons should an enemy get past her spectral army and target her directly. 

Art by :iconcurtsibling: 
Image size
2480x3508px 724.72 KB
© 2021 - 2024 KaijuDuke
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UltraKong87's avatar

I love this design, the other picture of her has so much presence. Hoping you are able to showcase more of you OG peeps!!!