INKtober 5: Flame - Pfft, Eternal my foot...KaidokJ on DeviantArt

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INKtober 5: Flame - Pfft, Eternal my foot...



Goober's Scared Eternal Diary (Don't Touch)

Day 42: It was not my folt. I don't know why no one beleaves me, but it's the trooth. Alas, to be so maligned is unbearable. I swear, on this most sacred of texts, that I, Marian Aloysius Goober, first of my name, did not steal the last piece of the Dean's mouthwatering Gregorian chocolate cake. I'll admit, I was tempted, but I have way more self control than people give me credet for.

I know why they suspect me. I've lost alot of credibility thanks to the "incident". If you ask me, I think the hole thing has been blown way out of proportion. That part of the castle was structural dubious to begin with. Very shoddy masonry. Crumbling mortuary. Rotten tapestry. It's a wonder the whole thing didn't collapse in a stiff breese. So that explosion was just fate working through my hands. I was just the vessel. And you can't really blame the vessel...can you?


That roof was re-vaulting to :D 
No seriously it was a pain. And there was so many long vertical lines. Argh!
But I really like how it all turned out. Tried something different with the values, and it's getting a lot closer to what I've been aiming for. Contrast is waaaayyy better.
Also, that pile of incendiary material on the brazier could very well be the best drawing I've done. I'm just saying. Very impressed with it. :nod: 
Anyway, let me know what you think.
More on the way. 

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© 2022 - 2025 KaidokJ
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MoonyMina's avatar

poooor Goober!! I mean, really, it's NOT his fault if this place was structurally dubious even before he arrived, was it?? :D

Really cool and funny :)  and indeed, a very nice scene, full of great details, as usual!!

I'm feeling a bit under the weather, this week, "thanks" to a small broncho-pneumonia, so thank you for the laughs and the smiles, it brightens up things :)