KAGEVISTA on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kagevista/art/Peace-for-Palestine-990719826KAGEVISTA

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Peace for Palestine



As you saw in my last journal, I will speak up for Palestine, because the media and the general public doesn't want to. The suffering of the Palestinians is constantly being swept under the rug, so this is not performative. I will be donating to charities to help them too. 

Before you say shit like "but Israel is LGBT-friendly, Kage! You would be shot dead in Palestine for being queer!" I don't care. Let me ask you a few questions:

Does that justify the dehumanization of Palestinians? They are literally being called "human animals" by the Israeli government.
Does that justify apartheid? 
Does that justify the slaughter of innocent Palestinian children?
Does that justify the murder of Palestinian civilians?

if you answered yes to any of these, then
Star! congratulations. here's a gold star for how stupid you are. 

They are suffering, they don't have time to learn about my pronouns. Plus, Israel isn't any better towards queer people. There are queer Palestinians being killed by Israeli forces, who will not bother to spare them for being queer. Even then, the queer Palestinians aren't the only ones who matter.

There are Jews who are against Israel's actions. There are even Holocaust survivors who have denounced Israel's actions, and even compared them to what the Nazis did. labourbriefing.org/blog/2019/7…
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CB642onDeviantART's avatar

War and violence are not the answer.

Peace is the answer.

Together, we can build bridges of love, and not walls of hatred.