Current Residence: Take one good guess and I'll give you a dollar
Favourite genre of music: Didn't you just read the above..?
Favourite style of art: Traditional with the acception of acrylics
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
MP3 player of choice: The one that emits loud profounding music
Wallpaper of choice: Anything that interests me.
Skin of choice: You know soup skin? Yeah, it's pretty gross..
Personal Quote: ピニス が います か。 XDD
Favourite Visual Artist
Man, all you people in dART of course!!
Favourite Movies
Summer Storm, Brokeback Mountain (sensing a pattern yet?)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Don't have one, too many to isolate
Favourite Writers
Don't have one but there are heaps of great writers in fictionpress!
Favourite Games
Any RPG is fine as long as it's strategic and has nice music.. BUT KH ALWAYS KICKS ACE-WHOLES!!
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Your face! XD
Other Interests
. boylove . visual arts . shounen-ai . reading . yaoi .