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In case you haven't seen the announcements elsewhere, the Kickstarter campaign for my novel, The Wayward Astronomer is now live!…………
I cannot express properly how much this project means to me. This book is my life. Please consider backing the project, or at the very least, spreading the word to people you think may be interested. You will have my undying gratitude!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
I cannot express properly how much this project means to me. This book is my life. Please consider backing the project, or at the very least, spreading the word to people you think may be interested. You will have my undying gratitude!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Official Twitter Account is now up and running
If you're on twitter and want up-to-the-minute access to my random thoughts or professional news, follow me, @TheWaywardGeo on twitter!
Texas, here we come
Hi everyone,
In the next couple of days I will be leaving my apartment in California and moving to Midland, Texas as part of my company's relocation.
I'm not a native Californian. In fact, like most people at XCOR, I'm an import. I was born in Connecticut, grew up in Rhode Island, went to college in Florida, and I've spent the first 5 years of my professional career in California. Admittedly, I have mixed feelings about leaving. Over the past few years I've grown comfortable with the setting, and it's been great to visit amazing places like Yosemite, San Francisco, and San Diego. I've swam in the Pacific Ocean, climbed mountains, hiked trai
I'm off to New Zealand
Hi everyone!
2014 has been one hell of a year, but the good news is I survived it and I'm looking forward to ending this year right and starting the new one with a bang. After going home to visit my family in RI for Christmas, I'm starting 2015 with a two-week solo motorcycle tour of New Zealand.
If anyone is interested in following along in my upcoming journey, I've created a little wordpress blog where I'll be posting to as the trip goes on. You can find it here:
I'm very much looking forward to the trip. I really need some time to get away, clear my mind, and enjoy my own adventure with a minimum o
I'm not dead! Just busy
Hi everyone,
Sorry for dropping off the face of the internet for a while, but it's been a very hectic summer for me, filled with good and not quite so good things.
The not quite so good things: I broke my finger by forgetting how to shut my car door without my hand still inside, and work has been really really busy and draining for me. The finger is healing nicely, work is still pretty damn busy, but I'm doing ok.
The good news is I've made new friends over the summer, and all in all been surviving the journey.
I know I talked a big talk about working quickly on my story, but yeah, it's been harder than not to move forward. Not because I
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