Kachinadoll on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kachinadoll/art/Mysterious-Castles-Backgrounds-551657124Kachinadoll

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Mysterious Castles Backgrounds



Pre-Made backgrounds for your renders or photo-manipulations.  Now available in the Renderosity Marketplace.  For personal or commercial use!  www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/my…

10 high resolution backgrounds. 6 - 2400 x 3000 300 DPI and 4 - 3000 x 2400 300 DPI. These backgrounds are perfect for dark and gothic images as well as fantasy and romantic backgrounds! They are very versatile making them an essential background set!

Created by :iconkachinadoll: and :iconelle-arden:
Image size
800x1000px 616.62 KB
© 2015 - 2024 Kachinadoll
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ShadowKnightGirl's avatar
How do you make backgrounds like these? I write as a hobby and I wanted to make my own book cover instead of using someone else's photo.