*New prices apply to quotes from June 18, 2023.
*For requests quoted before the price revision, the fee is not change from already communicated.
Base Prices: B = Brest up, T = Thigh up, W = Whole body.
- Sketch
B $30 /T $45 /W $60
- Line
B $40 /T $55 /W $70
- Color
B $70 /T $90 /W $120
- Chibi
Fullcolor + Transparent BG $20
Some content may require additional charge:
+1 character - add between 1/2 to 1/1 base price per character depending on the area to be drawn.
NSFW (ESRB's Matrure rate) - Basically, slide to next price. (EX. Color Bust up + NSFW = Color Thigh up) For Whole body, Sketch $90, Line $100, Color $180. (base price + 1/2 base price.)
*In accordance with Japanese law, genitals are subject to mosaic masks or other cover treatments. Please be aware of this.*
Complicated accessory, Detailed Background,Cut-in Panels - Any amount between 1/2 to 2/3 base price will be charged.
Add or remove significant features -In the case of change