The Grey LadyKaanaMoonshadow on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

December 15, 2008
The Grey Lady by *KaanaMoonshadow captures the spirit of winter magic, wonder and enchantment.
Featured by joannastar
Suggested by Art-By-Mel-DA
KaanaMoonshadow's avatar

The Grey Lady


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:xmas: Edit :xmas:

:wow: I cannot thank :icondarkermusings: enough for suggesting this piece as a DD, and for :iconjoannastar: for featuring it - thank you *so* much! :excited:

And I'd like to thank those who'll add this image to their favs and comment - please bear with me if I need a little while to get back to you all, but I will! :cuddle:


Another winter fae scene. :snowing:

I learned a lot while postworking this image - I started to get my layers more structured and playing with CS3 filters, and the possibilities are amazing. :w00t:

My first attempt at the glowing orb was so crappy that I'm really happy that it turned out so light and shiny in the end.

This image is a gift to all of you - an early Merry Christmas:rudolph:, and thanks again for a wonderful year here at DA! :blowkiss:

For the :iconrealm-of-fantasy: and :iconposeraddicts: Club Galleries
Tools of the Trade: Poser 7, CS3

:xmas: Credits :xmas:
Bubble and Star Brushed by :iconelestrial: [link]
Border Brush by :iconanodyne-stock: [link]
Snow Brushes by :iconfaeth-design: [link]
Winter Forest by :iconcyborgsuzystock: [link]
Image size
1500x1000px 232.13 KB
© 2008 - 2025 KaanaMoonshadow
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BombDolls's avatar
Hey awesome work and really great Lightning as always :)
Also added a new char :) Perhaps you can have a look at it? and gimme some feedback or critique :)
I love you... by muscledolls  

Kind Regards :)