KaanaMoonshadow on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kaanamoonshadow/art/DAO-Moonlight-Serenade-156814323KaanaMoonshadow

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DAO - Moonlight Serenade



Still a week until the new Dragon Age expansion pack will be available in Europe, so I had to calm my nerves with some additional DAO fanart. :w00t:

I'm *so* looking forward to DAO-Awakening - most of the new companions look kick-a**, and the story seems to be really cool if you're playing a dual weapon fighter Cousland, like I do. :D

So, here comes another one of my infamous couple artworks, showing Alistair and my Lady Cousland Duineth spending some well-earned time together while staying in Redcliffe Castle.

I really planned to give Alistair a shirt this time, but then I just thought... "What the hell!". :giggle:

Many thanks in advance if you're adding this artworks to your :+fav:s and/or leave a comment - I really appreciate the support! :cuddle:

For the :iconposeraddicts: group gallery
Tools of the Trade: Poser 7, CS3
Image size
856x1100px 827.42 KB
© 2010 - 2024 KaanaMoonshadow
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Phripp's avatar
Wow, this really looks like the dark fantasy atmosphere of Dragon Age Origins! This is amazing!