♦ K-ZLOVETCH ♦ Real human artist - 🛇 NO AI è_é
─────────────────────────────────♦ Veni.Vidi.Viktor.
♑︎ | ravenclaw | felinsomniac | pogonophile | freelance mad scientist | RRRevolution-RRR | able to purrr IRRRL | wear ties | still live in the 90' | drink chocolappuccino | have strange phials | crosses collector | obsessed with Slavic things | bleed often | love cartoons & hardbass
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────────────────────────♦ S O M E • C O O L • P E O P L E
────────────────────────────────♦ F A V • Q U O T E S
♦️ Do what is right not what is easy.
♦️ Being crazy isn't enough.
♦️ Our choices show what we truly are far more than our abilities.
♦️ Младост без любов - пролет без цвете.
♦️ Si la critique est impossible, alors elle est nécessaire.
──────────────────────────────────♦ W I S H • Y O U
♦️ May the Fun be with you my new Padawan !
♦️ Que la Farce soit avec toi mon nouveau Padawan !
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